A story is told of the greatest salesman to ever work with Thomas Edison, he was so good that a slogan was coined after him "Made by Edison installed by Barnes". Edwin C. Barnes didn't arrive at that position out of luck, he desired it. All he wanted was to work with the greatest scientist. He knew he could do it and when the opportunity arose, he took it.
 How well do we know what we can and can't do, what are your values, your strengths and weaknesses.
 The key to self mastery and ultimate confidence is SELF KNOWLEDGE. We spend too many days trying to be like other people, admiring how they act, what they wear, even how they talk. You need to do some soul searching, always ask yourself "What can you offer".

"You can have anything you want in life if you dress for it."
Clothing is about who we are and how we want to portray ourselves to the world. When Jesus asked his disciples who people say he was, you would notice that all the answers given were in line with what he has been doing or his appearance.
 You want people to take you seriously, show up well.You want to be respected, show up well. Remember you'll be addressed the way you're dressed.
 During orientation as a freshman, one of the most respected lecturer stood up to address us, one of the warnings he hammered on was to always dress appropriately.
That means do not overdress or underdress. His idea for dress code was to inculcate an identity into our lives. He'd always say that we are professionals and so we must appear like one.

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
My first presentation during my 200 level was a disaster. I and my team mates were given a topic to present, we read, researched and prepared but on that day, the questions we were asked were totally different from what we've read. We were caught off guard and rendered speechless.
Guess what it did to my confidence, I couldn't raise my head among coursemates anymore, most of them even made jokes. It was my lowest moment but also the most important lesson I ever learned. Till this day I've never showed up unprepared.
Make it your job to always know enough about that interview, business meeting or presentation, never be caught off guard.

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