Photo credit: Medium
Author: Ayeni Oluwapelumi

    Prior to my resumption on campus, I had determined not to have any friends whatsoever. You see, I purposed to graduate 'summa cum laude' and felt having friends or a social life would be an epic distraction. As you must have rightly guessed, it did not take me long to realize the folly of my decision. As human beings, we are structured in a way that we simply cannot exist alone. We are wired to crave connection with our fellow people, to feel needed, we have a compulsion to company–desire to relate with people. Relationships are vital not only for our emotional and mental well-being, as well as our physical health. Be it familial, marital relationships, friendships, social interaction and whatnot, We cannot thrive as individuals or communities without them. 
  I'm a volunteer for quite a few organizations. Not only does this give me a sense of purpose, it is quite a morale booster, especially in the lockdown period. I feel like I'm part of something meaningful. That's what relationships gives you, a sense of purpose and belonging. Even, writing this article for this community gives me a certain level of purpose. Being part of a community helps us feel connected and gives us a sense of belonging. Partly the reason why religious gatherings are much needed. 
  Having a good relationship helps to cope with life's stresses. A stress free life equals a healthy mental health. Imagine, as a student, no one to share the events of your day with, no one to share your thoughts or rub minds with, no one to discuss with on the 'shocker' a just concluded test gave you. Struggling with everything on your own, apparently, that's a fast route to depression. There's a reason why teamwork is emphasized in organizations. It is to facilitate close association, form a bond among members and to yield a more effective and productive result. Once this happens, the boss is happy, staffs are happy. And we all know what happiness does to our mental health. 
  It is imperative that each and everyone of us make conscious efforts to build and maintain our relationships. It isn't necessary you have a large network of friends. What matters is the quality of your close relationships. We must endeavor to prioritize our relationships, it shouldn't just be an afterthought. We must strive to invest our time in it. It would be amazing if we would go an extra mile in preserving our relationships by reflecting positivity, being a good listener, being open minded as secrecy would mar rather than make your relationships. Be present in the moment, and try to be there for your loved ones as much as you can. Consequently, everybody is happier, lighter and less burdened. 


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