SUICIDE: It is an intentional act of taking one's life. Just like everything else, a suicidal act is a step-by-step process. It is important to note that there is a pattern, a spectrum of suicidal behaviours which kick starts from suicidal ideation ( nursing the idea )to the planning of the act, then to suicide attempt and finally completing suicide.
  Understanding this would give us insight on proper ways to intervene and prevent the final act from happening. Before a person does commit suicide, he must have gone through the aforementioned stages. However, some people engage in what is termed 'parasuicide' –intentionally harming oneself without the intention of dying, it's basically a cry for help, he might place a call to someone to say he has just taken an overdose of some med, so he'll be found and rescued. Now, why would someone entertain the idea of suicide as an option or a way out of a predicament? 
  Broadly there are two reasons why people commit suicide– Life crisis, people commit suicide when there is a lapse in their coping mechanism, a breakdown of their emotional shock absorber, for instance, two students failed an examination(that is the crisis) one decided to drown his sorrows in alcohol, the other chose to go back and study more in order to attain better grades, the latter employed adaptive strategies to cope with the problem, but the former couldn't because his shock absorber was weak or nonexistent. People in this category find it hard to cope with what life throws at them, so they might contemplate suicide as a means of easing the pain. 
  Humans have the innate need for survival, the instinct to want to live, so when one begins to contemplate the act of ending his life, then, it is safe to assume such has a "mental illness". which brings us to the second reason. An example is depression, when an individual begins to experience an extreme form of sadness which brings hopelessness, which in turn evokes the desire to end one's life, and thereby making way for suicidal attempt or unfortunately, a completed suicide. Another practical example is psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia, which is accompanied with delusions and hallucinations, hearing of voices urging them to kill themselves. Such people have what is called 'a passivity experience', they're not completely aware of their actions and inactions, they are under the influence of external agents which dictates their action. Such might attempt suicide and end up completing suicide. 

   For one to consider suicide as a way out, he must be battling with psychic pain –this is an emotional distress that accompanies any situation, an inward numbing feeling that postdates distress. It brings about sadness and emptiness. For example, a jilted lover, death of a loved one. Such situations could trigger a sense of hopelessness and anxiety. There's another concept tagged 'psycho trauma'-A trauma of the mind which brings about distress. Someone who has experienced abuse–sexual, physical, emotional abuse could be severely traumatized, this can make such entertain suicidal ideations, desire to end the pain by ending his life. 

   Suicide has become a predominant cancer eating into the society, A menace that must be eradicated, which implies that we all have a part to play. Poverty, financial distress, Economic downturn, Abuse, neglect, all are risk factors facilitating mental illness and suicide. This goes to show that a sufferer might just be within your vicinity. So, In your own little corner, you can always be nice to people, be friendly. Always be willing to lend a helping hand or give a word of encouragement. Be willing to assist anyone in crisis. Anyone! and if there is anyone who expresses suicidal thoughts or feelings of life no longer worth living, Be willing to listen and link them to an expert.. You don't have to be the solution, you can however facilitate the solution. You just might be saving a life. 

Dr. Ola Ibigbami( 2020, September 27) suicide prevention webinar

Compiled by Oluwapelumi. 

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