Author: Amethyst💜
Dear readers, that was quite a long break, yeah? Did you miss me just as much as I ached to be written on.?🥺 You know, it seemed like my owners were going through a thorough restructuring of their team. I am just so glad that they are done and ready to use me once again.
Cheers to seeing more of me🥂
Let's dive straight into our topic for today🏂
Do you break into cold sweat when you see a spider? Feel your heart race when you're in a confined space? Feel scared to fall in love or admit to your true feelings? Or possibly the very thought of heights sends shivers down your spine. Trust me, there are diverse things that individuals get scared of.
If you see yourself in any of these scenarios, you might be one of the many individuals living with specific phobias. By specific phobias, I am talking about the intense and irrational fear of a particular object, situation, or activity. Unlike common fears or anxieties, these phobias can significantly disrupt a person's life, causing distress and avoidance behaviours.
Specific phobias come in all shapes and sizes, with some being more prevalent than others. There are so many types of specific phobias that some might begin to sound weird and funny to you. Some phobias tend to be very common and 3 people out of 10 might have it. For instance, Acrophobia, the fear of heights, and Claustrophobia, the fear of confined spaces, are also quite common.
I've met a lot of individuals who are dealing with the above phobias. I would like to clarify that phobia is not just being scared. It goes way deeper. Certain individuals develop panic attacks, irregular breathing, distress and some might even collapse or become unconscious once they are situated close to their phobic stimulus (what they fear)
Let's check out more phobias, shall we?
1. Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders.
2. Acrophobia - Fear of heights.
3. Claustrophobia - Fear of confined spaces.
4. Agoraphobia - Fear of open or crowded spaces.
5. Ophidiophobia - Fear of snakes.
6. Aviophobia - Fear of flying.
7. Trypophobia - Fear of clusters of small holes or bumps.
8. Mysophobia - Fear of germs or dirt.
9. Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder) - Fear of social situations and judgment by others.
10. Astraphobia - Fear of thunder and lightning.
11. Hemophobia - Fear of blood.
12. Dentophobia - Fear of dentists and dental procedures.
13. Xenophobia - Fear of strangers or foreign places.
14. Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns.
15. Thanatophobia - Fear of death.
16. Pteromerhanophobia - Fear of flying.
17. Nyctophobia - Fear of darkness.
18. Zoophobia - Fear of animals.
19. Glossophobia - Fear of public speaking.
20. Ablutophobia - Fear of bathing or washing
Whoosh, like I said earlier, there are tons of phobias outside and some don't have a name yet.
Fun Facts About Certain Phobias
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia is the fear of long words. ~ It's funny how the name itself is extremely long. This is like the tenth time I'm trying to pronounce this word. Help me out if you can😅
Nomophobia is the fear of being without your mobile phone or not having a signal. In our digital age, this is becoming increasingly common. ~ I never knew there was a word for it but yeah, I've come across people with this before.
Anatidaephobia is the fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you. It's a humorous and unlikely fear. ~ Now, I'm so sorry but this is sooo funny😂 Like really a duck? I'm interested in the thought behind this. Why a duck? If it was a dog or maybe a cat, I might not have a lot of interest seeing that they are pretty common
Also, some phobias are named after famous people or fictional characters. For example, Coulrophobia is the fear of clowns, possibly influenced by characters like Pennywise from "It." ~ I haven't come across this character before 🤧 Help me out if you have
Interestingly, did you also know that there is a fear of phobias? It is known as Phobophobia. In other words, Phobophobia is the phobia of phobias!👻
This short post is just to enlighten you that there could be a phobia for anything. Endeavour to pay attention to the people around you. Certain things we overlook everyday might lead to panic in some individuals.
Happy reading!💜
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